A versatile scholar and strategic leader with an interest in post-secondary education, Ian is currently the Director of Policy Research and Advocacy with the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union. In this multifaceted role Ian conducts policy analysis, provides comprehensive research support, and participates in stakeholder relations.

Ian holds a PhD in Canadian history from Wilfrid Laurier University. His dissertation, “The Complexity of Canadian Anti-Communism, 1945-1967,” analyzes individual encounters with the state and civic engagement with the domestic threat of communism. The intersections of public safety, the arts, and national identity are examined to demonstrate the nuanced and complex nature of anti-communism in English Canada.

With experience in both the Ontario public service and the broader not-for-profit sector, Ian has the unique ability to apply the skills of academia to the challenges facing governments, post-secondary institutions, and private organizations. A skilled writer, Ian is available to consult on strategic communications projects, including speeches and crisis messaging.